Sunday, August 22, 2010

I got Lost in Inception...

Does anyone else think that the new Wonka commercials (Under the wa-ater fall, dreams do come true) are even creepier than that Oompa Loompa in the vastly inferior Johnny Depp version?
So I saw ‘Inception’ last week and someone told me to blog on it…so here goes…
Before I reluctantly watched ‘The Dark Knight’ a few years ago I wanted to hate it because of how they used Heath Ledger’s death as a selling point for the movie. But then I saw it and it was great. It was probably the best superhero movie ever. The exact opposite was true of ‘Inception’. I couldn’t wait to see it and I had high hopes for it, but it left me kind of empty. I found it long and cliché ridden. But it wasn’t all bad.
First, the good:
1. Joseph Gordon –Levitt. Everything he did in Zero G was amazing. He was very dapper as well.
2. The movie treated the audience like it was intelligent and didn’t spoon feed very much. Except the few times that Leonardo felt the need to explain complex dream concepts instead of show us how they work.
3. The numbers in the movie actually meant something…unlike ‘Lost’. Okay I had to work my disappointment with ‘Lost’ into this review because I can’t write a whole review about ‘Lost’ or I will go on for pages. So…Lost sucked-Inception not so much.
4. This movie is probably the closest I will ever get to those cool seats on airplanes that can be made into beds.
Now the bad
1. Leonardo DiCaprio- Terrible actor. Didn’t care about him and couldn’t have cared less if he found his wife and reunited with his kids or not. As far as ‘deep’ acting goes, I think that Leonardo is only a step above Hayden Christensen in the emoting department.
2. For such an intelligent movie ‘Inception’ was extremely cliché ridden. Here is a list of them:
a. Shooting-Guns were being fired by everyone in every direction and very few people were hit.
b. Choking-If you are being choked don’t struggle until you pass out. Just struggle for a few seconds and then fake passing out. That way the choker will stop choking and you can start breathing sooner and not wake up tied to something with a gun in your face.
c. Motorcycles-If you are in a car/van being chased by a motorcycle all you have to do is jerk the steering wheel toward the motorcycle until you hit it knocking the driver off of said motorcycle. This works even if they have a gun. In car versus motorcycle car will win almost every time.
3. The chase/fight in the snow was only one Arctic Monkey swinging in a tree away from Crystal Skull territory. That is not a good thing.

I like this movie. Not the best ever, but nowhere near the worst either. I kind of liked the ending. I didn’t mind that there were a lot of unanswered questions because the movie never promised any answers…unlike ‘Lost’. The unanswered things in inception made the movie better because it made me decide what I thought. Lost promised a lot and delivered nothing in the way of answers. I HATE YOU LOST!!! (Maybe some Lost therapy is in order) Anyway, despite some faults and a long running time I did enjoy ‘Inception’. I give it a 3.25/5. I will watch it again when it comes to DVD so I can enjoy it with some knowledge of what is going on. Thank you Joseph Gordon-Levitt for making this movie for me.

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