Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just sitting here in the stench of by own well earned b.o. Today I have been cleaning out the garage so new carpet can be put down on Tuesday. We are at the beginning of a big update of the quarters. The house is 21 years old and the carpet and laminate flooring are both original. Ewwww, right? So in the midst of everything that is going on (regular life, pregnancy, etc) we are moving everything in the house in three waves (garage, kitchen/dining room/bathrooms and rest of the house) to make the floors accessable. This wouldn't be too bad, but we are one lifter/packer down, so I am on my own in the moving department (which is fine with me since it means baby S will soon be here).
Since baby S is soon to arrive I thought that it would be interesting (or at least fun for me) to write a few things about Fatherhood that I already have decided. These will be divided into two categories: 'Things I don't like but will probably cave in on' and 'Things I will not cave on'.
1. Things I don't like but will probably cave in on
- Santa Claus. I am not a fan of Christmas. I know that it celebrates the birth of Jesus at the wrong time of year, but I am fine with that aspect of it. What I don't like is Santa Claus and the untruths that go along with his mythology. However, I married into the wrong family if I want to extracate Santa from my life, so I will give into it and let family fill her head with Santa stuff while I put my name on EVERY gift that is from me.
-Pink/frilly clothes/tea parties/Disney Princesses I am not into these things but if baby S likes them, I will let her and support her. EXCEPT for the Disney stuff. NO PRINCESSES!
2. Thing I will not cave on
-the word 'fair'. Life isn't fair. Get over it. The sooner learned, the sooner we can move on to real life.
-sports leagues that don't keep score. Life keeps score. Not everybody wins everytime. Learn it. Live it. Thrive on it.
-dispensationalism is silly. Since Veggie Tales have been mum about Revelation and the Resurrection, this lesson may have to wait until she is a bit older. Unless she starts reading the Left Behind for kids when she learns to read at 2 years old. Then we will have some great theological debates.

That is all for now as I must get back to work.
Your working boy,

1 comment:

  1. LOL. There will be many more things. But the Princesses do suck.
