Monday, July 12, 2010

My Christian attitude versus Christian Platitudes.

Writing a blog everyday is something very new to me. I want to continue to do it as much as possible but I don't know exactly what I can write to fill up a daily blog. I don't want to be a theological wanker ( I know, I know that this word has negative connotations in British usage, and that is the only usage I know as well, but in using it I don't mean it in that way. I mean that I don't want to be like a lot of bloggers who think that they are theologically intelligent because they throw out a lot of other people's quotes and think that that is what makes them intelligent.) 'Oh, how clever', I want to scream at their over serious, ridiculous ramblings, 'yes the church should be a driving force in the world, BUT HOW genius'? 'well, yes you are a clever little devil saying that we should be more like the founders of our particular denomination [yeah, I said it: DENOMINATION] because nothing nowadays is religious OR holy enough'.
Wow, in rereading that it sounds negative and it wouldn't suit this blog to come off as negative when my true intent was sarcasm (why is sarcasm called the lowest form of wit when it is so hard to perfect?)
So let me just finish today's writing by telling you one of the things (of many)that drives me crazy-the phrase 'God is good'. ARGH just typing it makes me want to test his goodness by driving to Walmart and seeing if I get a good parking place, because we all know that if my space is more than 5 spaces back then God, by definition, is not good. Or at least he won't get any love on Facebook statuses (stati?) for being good. Good and bad are human constructs and God is above that. To say 'God is good' is an anthropomorphism (I have a theory that if someone wants to sound intelligent they just need to learn to say this word without fumbling their way through it and then people will believe anything they say)and to try and bring God to our level seems to me to be an inexcusable (NOT unforgivable) action.
Well I finished another blog. This makes 4 days in a row. God is...HEY!
Theologically yours,

1 comment:

  1. I am totally linking you, because you are awesome.

    I do disagree on the God is good thing, as a general statement, but agree on some levels....hard to explain what I mean though.
